Carpentry And Joinery (Paper 2) WASSCE (SC), 2016

Question 8

(a)        State three reasons for applying finishes on timber products.
                        (b)        State one use of each of the following materials in carpentry work:
                                    (i)         wiggle nail;
                                    (ii)        latex foam;
                                    (iii)       creosote oil;
                                    (iv)       contact glue;
(v)        corrugated asbestos sheet.

                        (c)        List four means by which carpentry entrepreneurs advertise their products.


Most of the candidates were able to:

                        -           state three reasons for applying finishes on timber products;
-           list four means by which carpentry entrepreneurs advertise their products.

                        However, few of them were unable to:

                        -           state one use of the listed materials in carpentry work;
-           state three reasons for applying finishes on timber products.

                        The expected response to question 8 is as given below:

            (a)        Three reasons for applying finishes on timber products:

  1. to protect the surface of wood;
  2. to decorate the surface of wood;
  3. for hygienic purpose;
  4. to improve the appearance quality of the wood.




(b)        One use of each of the following materials in carpentry work:

  1. wiggle nail – to strengthen butt joints / mite joints;
  2. latex foam – in upholstery work to provide softness;
  3. creosote oil – as preservative for timber;
  4. contact glue – bonding materials such as plastic, fabrics, leather, glass to wood;
  5. corrugated asbestos sheet – roof covering, perimeter fencing and hoarding.


            (c)        Four means by which carpentry entrepreneurs advertise their products:

  1. Radio
  2. Television
  3. Pamphlets/flyers
  4. Newspapers/magazines
  5. Internet
  6. Personal contact
  7. Product shows/exhibition – hawking