Geography Paper 2 , Nov/Dec 2010  
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Question 6

Write a geographical account of the Western Highlands of Nigeria under the following headings:
(a) physical features;
(b)population and settlement;
(c)esources and economic activities;
(d)problems of development.


This was an unpopular question and many of those who attempted it performed very poorly. The expected answers include:
(a) Physical features
it has a general elevation of 300 - 700 metres above sea level;
local peaks rise to 1000 m e.g. the Idanre and Efon-Alaye peaks;
presence of many inselbergs;
the general topography is undulating;
the rocks are of basement complex type;
climate is equatorial;
temperature is about 27°C;
well drained by coastal rivers such as the Ogun, Oshun, Osse and Owena.
Population and settlement
the region is densely populated;
large towns in the area include' Ibadan, Oyo, Ogbomosho, Abeokuta, etc;
the main ethnic group is the Yoruba;
other ethnic groups are the Igbira, Igala and the Edos;
settlements are generally nucleated;
farming villages are also common in the area.
Resources and economic activities
production of cash crops e.g. cocoa, rubber, palm produce, kola nuts, etc;
local cottage industries features prominently in the region e.g. the weaving, pottery, dyeing and metal works;
large scale manufacturing industries such as beverages, cement, printing, etc;
mining and quarrying are common in the region;
major industrial towns includes Ibadan, lIesha and Ewekoro.
Problems of development
severe erosion in some hilly areas such as Ibadan, Akoko, Edo and Ekiti;
presence of Rainforest makes farming tedious diseases attack crops e.g. swollen shoot and black pod diseases of cocoa;
poor transport network.

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