Geography Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2018

Question 2

  1.    Name four areas of high population density in the world.
  2.    Explain four factors that may be responsible for high population density.
  3.    Describe four problems associated with high population density.

This is the most popular question attempted by the candidates and they performed very well in the question. They were able to name the areas of high population density. They were equally able to describe four problems associated with high population density. However, some of the candidates could not explain the factors that may be responsible for high population density. The factors responsible for high population density include:

                        -           fertile alluvial or volcanic soils
-           favourable climate
-           presence of mineral deposits

                        -           industrial development
-           history of early settlement
-           commercial activities/trade
-           transport development
-           cultural attachment to land
-           accessibility
-           favourable relief/good terrain
-           immigration
-           employment opportunities
-           high level of technology
-           availability of social amenities
-           administrative headquarters