Geography Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2018

Question 4

  1. Draw an outline map of Nigeria.
  2. On the map, show and name:

    1. Lake Kainji;
    2. Udi Hills;
    3. River Hadejia.
  3. Describe the relationship between rainfall and agricultural practices in the Tropical Continental region of Nigeria.
  4. In what three ways does agriculture contributes to the economy of Nigeria.

This question was not popular among the candidates and most of those who attempted it performed poorly in the (a) and (b) components of the question.  The map outline was poorly drawn by many of the candidates who attempted the question. Expectedly, they could not locate the features in the correct places. The relationship between rainfall and agricultural practices in the Tropical Continental region of Nigeria was also poorly done. They expected answer included:
-           animal rearing due to the growth of savanna
-           crop cultivated are mainly cereals and short period growing crops
-           low rainfall is conducive for animal rearing
-           occasional flash flood cause erosion/washing away of crops
-           high temperatures usually between September and December are  suitable  for drying and preservation of crops
-           transhumance due to seasonality of rainfall
-           seasonality of rainfall limit agricultural activities to one growing season
-           low rainfall encourages irrigation farming.