Hausa WASSCE (PC), 2019


Question 1


(a) Illolin rashin aikin yi.
(b) gonarmu ta gandu.
(c) matsalolin da ke haifar da mutuwar aure.
(d) Rubuta wasiqa zuwa ga abokinka da ke so ya bar makaranta, ka nuna masa muhimman abubuwa guda biyar da ilimi yake kawowa.
(e) Randa kina xaka, Allah yake ba ki ruwa.




(a)In not less than three hundred (300) words, the candidate is required to write on the effects of unemployment on th citizenry. In doing so, he is expected to highlight some points which should include the following:
  • Definition of the term unemployment;
  • Illuminate some points like:
  • - It affects economic development;
    - It brings poverty;
    - It brings idleness;
    - It breeds political thugs, crises or violence
  • It causes some acts of terrorism such as:
  • › Kidnapping;
    › Cattle rustling;
    › Armed robbery;
    › Murder, etc.
  • It causes begging;
  • It causes stealing;
  • It causes breach of law and order;
  • It breeds drug addicts;
  • It affects mental health by causing depression, etc.

Candidates’ performance in this question was encouraging.


(b). The question is a descriptive essay and the candidate is required to write on their main farm. He is expected to describe the farm. Some major features and points required should include the following:
- Introduction and location;
- The head of the family (extended);
- The size of the farm;
- The trees on the farm;
- The type(s) of crop cultivated;
- The management of the farm in areas of:
› Cultivation;
› Labourers;
› Quantity of fertilizer required;
› Quantity of annual harvest, etc.
- Problems of the farm:
› Destruction by other animals,
› Bush burning;
› Theft;
› Pests,
› Erosion, etc.
Candidates that attempted the question performed well.


(c).The question above is an expository essay, it sought the opinion of the candidate as regards the problems that cause marriages to break. In attempting the question, the candidate is expected to advance convincing reasons. The following points should be reflected and considered as relevant:
- What it means for marriages to break;
- The problems that cause broken marriages:
› Inability to provide basic needs such as:
- feeding;
- clothing;
- healthcare;
- a good shelter for accommodation;
- teaching on religion;
- motivation, etc.
› Deception before marriage;
› Impatience;
› Lack of cooking skills;
› Untidiness;
› Infertility;
› Indiscipline;
› Ill-health;
› Lack of romance;
› Jealousy;
› Forced marriage;
› Breach of trust;
› Poverty;
› Suspicion,
› Gossiping and hypocrisy;
› Great desire of worldly things, etc.
Many candidates attempted the question and their performance was good.


(d)The candidate is required to write a letter to his friend that is willing to withdraw from school, urging him to change his mind and telling him five important things that knowledge provides. The following features are mandatory:
(i) Features of the letter:
- Address of the writer;
- The date;
- Salutation;
- Conclusion.

(ii) The content of the letter:
Candidate is expected to identify some qualities that education bestows on people such as:
- It brings development;
- It brings self-esteem;
- It brings self-reliance;
- It improves the acts of worship, etc.

The candidate should also explain how these impart on the lives of people:
- Knowledge is light;
- They live a better life;
- They find life easier;
- They are socialized;
- They are prestigious:
- They are cordial;
Many candidates attempted the question and their performance was commendable.


(e).The statement above is a proverb which means: everybody has his own destiny and it will surely reach him no matter the distance. Candidate is expected to give its meaning, narrate a story that will interpret the meaning of the proverb and further identify other similar proverbs, for example:
- Bakin da Allah ya tsaga, ba ya hana masa abin da zai ci.
- Allah gatan bawa.
- Tun ran gini, tun ran zane.
- Allah gatan maraya.
- Idan da rabon kura a takobi, sai a sayar a sayo akuya.
- Rabo rawani ne, kowa na shi na zuwa.
- Rabon kwaxo, ba ya hawa sama.
- In da rai, da rabo.

Few candidates attempted the question and their performance was fair.