History Paper 2 Aug. /Sept. 2020

Question 2


    Identify any five roles played by the Aro in Igboland.


This question was unpopular among the candidates. A good number of those that answered didn’t bear in mind the period in history that the question covered.  However, candidates were expected to mention the under listed points.

(i)  The Aro people were itinerant traders in items such as palm oil.
(ii)  They acted as agents of the Long Juju.
(iii)  Through their activities, they popularized the Long Juju.
(iv)  They had military organization which was used for defensive and offensive purposes.
(v)   They struck military alliances with other Igbo people e.g Abam and Ohafia.
(vi)  They also served as diviners.
(vii)  They carried out judicial functions.