History Paper 2 Aug. /Sept. 2020

Question 6


Highlight any five outcomes of the Yoruba Civil Wars in the 19th century.




This was a fairly popular question and was attempted by many candidates. A number of the candidates were able to answer and score good marks while few of them advanced irrelevant points. In order to get good grade, candidates were expected to highlight the following points.

(i)  The Yoruba Civil Wars contributed to the disintegration of the Old Oyo Empire.
(ii)  It brought into prominence outstanding military leaders like Kurunmi of Ijaye. Ogendengbe of Ilesha and Ogunmola of Ibadan among others.
(iii)  Some once powerful states like Owu and Ijaye were defeated and destroyed.
(iv)  There was mass migration as people fled from the conflict.
(v) There was insecurity as a result of widespread conflicts.
(vi) Slave trade thrived as a result of the chaos and confusion.
(vii)  New towns were established e.g. Abeokuta, Modakeke.
(viii)  Commercial and farming activities declined.