History Paper 2 WASSCE (PC, 2ND) 2020


The following weaknesses were shown in the candidates’ work:

  1. Skimpy answers

    Short and one-sentence answers were observed in some of the candidates’ responses to the questions. This was a result of inadequate preparation and inability to read extensively which considerably limited their expression of ideas; and eventually  prevented them from scoring good marks.

  2. Poor articulation of points

    Some candidates failed to express their points in a logical and clear manner. They muddled up their points and thereby rendered their ideas unfathomable. This definitely prevented  such candidates from getting good marks from the examiners. 

  3. Bad expression

    Bad expression inhibited some candidates from writing their ideas in a more convincing way. Their work was replete with poor tenses and grammatical errors and this affected their results.

  4. Violation of rubric

    Many candidates failed to adhere to the paper and therefore answered more than the required number of questions and provided more than the needed answers to the question.

  5. Misinterpretation of question

    Despite the clarity and simplicity of the questions presented, some candidates found them difficult to interpret. The expected responses from the candidates were not met.  They therefore gave inadequate and inappropriate points which did not earn them good marks.


  1. Candidates must try as much as possible to read history textbook extensively and prepare thoroughly for the examination.
  2. Candidates should be encouraged to read the instruction very well so as to adequately understand the demands of the questions before attempting them.
  3. Candidates should be taught how to answer history question with adequate response in a logical and clear manner.
  4. Effective communication ability is a key to presenting historical ideas in a comprehensive and convincing way. Candidates are therefore required to improve on their English language written skills so as to be able to present their ideas in a clearer   way.
  5. Teachers should de-emphasize teaching with laborious note taking by concentrating on teaching for understanding and encourage students to make meaningful and insightful summary of topics being taught.
  6. Selective topic teaching from the syllabus should be discouraged so as to have wider coverage and understanding of historical events being taught.
  7. Qualified History teachers should be allowed to teach the subject so as to adequately impact the required knowledge to the students.