Leather Goods Manufacturing And Repairs Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2018

Question 2

  1.  Define the term leather decorating.
    (b)        Explain the process of carrying out any three of the following leather decorating   techniques.
    (i)         stamping;
    (ii)       hand stitching;
    (iii)       carving;
    (iv)       dyeing
    (v)        appliqué



This question was attempted by few candidates. The question required candidates to define the term leather decorating and to explain the some leather decorating techniques in the (a) and (b) parts of the question respectively. Most candidates were able to define leather decorating but few of them instead explaining the process of carrying out the decorative technique ended up explaining the art of using leather to decorate the interior of a house. This prevented them from scoring the maximum mark.

The candidates were expected to provide the following answers to obtain the maximum marks.

(a)        Leather decorating is the act of making designs on leather for decoration and ornamentation by stitching, embossing, carving, scorching, perforating, spraying, painting, marbling, staining, peeling, graining, dyeing, etc.
(b)(i)    Stamping:
-  make the materials i.e. leather, stamp, hammer etc. ready.
-  dampen both the grain and flesh sides of leather.
-  place the dampened leather on a flat surface, e.g. wooden board.
-  ensure that the damp grain leather surface is clean.
-  pick up the already designed stamp.
-  turn the stamp face down on the grain side of the leather and strike the base or handle          to create pressure on the stamp thereby creating a depression or impression on the grain part of leather.
-  then allow to dry in order to retain the shape.

 (ii)       Stitching:
-  make materials and tools ready e.g. thread, leather, stitch marker, thimble, needle,                  awl etc. 
-  choose or select the type of stitch.
-  make the stitch marks, with a stitch marker.
-  create the stitch holes with a thonging chisel.
-  choose the appropriate needle and thread it.
-  stitch along the stitch holes.
-  knot the thread after stitching and trim.

(iii)       Carving.
-  make the materials and tools ready e.g. leather, groover, gouge, swivel knife, etc.
-  create a design on paper.
-  transfer the design unto the surface of the leather.
-  dampen the flesh side of the leather.
-  hold the swivel knife and apply gentle pressure to cut along the design lines so that the                 design line/the cut lines must never cross.
-  use the modeler to press on one side of the lines to create a relief impression.
-  allow leather to dry.
(iv)       Dyeing:          
-  make the materials and tools ready e.g. dye, ink, polish, brush, spraying gun etc.
-  lay the leather on a flat surface.
-  prepare the leather surface by cleaning with a damped cloth.
-  test the dye on small piece of leather.
-  apply dye on leather surface by pouring, spraying, dabbing or immersed whole leather into a dye solution.
-  allow to dry
(v)        Appliqué:
-  make the materials and tools ready e.g. glue needle, thread, knife etc.
-  cut leather or fabric into pieces of various shapes and sizes.
-  fix the pieces onto a large leather piece by means of gluing, stitching or riveting.
-  finish by applying wax or polish.