Candidates’ weaknesses include their in ability to:
- express themselves in simple English Language
- write legibly/poor handwriting
- read and cover the syllabus of the subject (Physical Education).
- understand subject terminologies
- state duties of the assistant referee during a football match
- state instances when a receiver scores a point in a table tennis game
- state differences between a service and a smash in badminton game
- define ergogenic aids
- give examples of ergogenic aids
- state the main difference between the award given to a winner in the ancient
Olympic Games and the modern Olympic games
- name gods in whose honour national festivals were held in ancient Greece
- explain the adapted physical education and corrective physical education
- state conditions for which an adapted physical education programme is necessary
- explain the procedure for administering First Aid in the following conditions:
nose bleeding and muscle pull.
The following remedies were suggested to overcome these weaknesses:
- teachers should improve their methods used in teaching while the students should also cultivate habit of reading.
- students should read with the syllabus to know what is required of them.
- handwriting should be learnt in school to improve the students handwritings
- terminologies of the subject should be taught in schools by the subject teacher with
the use of dictionary
- students should read extensively to acquire necessary skills in the subject
(Physical Education).