Government 2, May/June 2013  
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question 7

Explain the importance of the Brazzaville Conference of 1944 in the constitutional developments of French West Africa.



This was the most unpopular question of all. Majority of the candidates tried to avoid it completely while a few ones who attempted it performed very poorly. Altogether, the general performance of the candidates was very poor in this question. However, the candidates were expected to explain the following points in order to score well in the question:

(i) The aims of the Brazzaville Conference were to determine the future relationship between France and her colonies and also to determine the lines along which the colonies should develop;

(ii) it was there that agreement was reached for African colonies to send their representatives to the first and second Constituent Assemblies in Paris;

(iii) the Conference decided that colonies should have Local Assemblies or Legislatures with African and French representatives;

(iv) it was agreed at the Conference that African culture, condemned originally, be left intact;

(v) French citizenship should be extended to all Africans;

(vi) the indigent policy which was used to champion on all oppositions to the French colonial rule was abolished.


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